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  • #1118791

    ich nutze ein Hintergrundbild, fixiert. Auf mobilen Geräten wird das Bild immer ausgeschnitten aber nicht skaliert. Wie kann ich dies erreichen?


    Hey zeadZeven,

    Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    my website is still under development, so I think this woll not be helpful? In general: Is it possible to use a picture in color-section als a background and on a mobile device this pictures is shrinked instead of cutted? I do not see any option for this.



    In general it’s not possible for background images which covers the containing element to look exactly the same on all screen resolution no, there will always be some parts of the image which will not be visible. You could try to use different images for different resolutions though.

    Best regards,


    This can be closed. Thx.



    Thank you for letting us know about this, we appreciate it a lot.

    Best regards,

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