January 16, 2020 at 7:54 pm #1175168
Hallo enfold-Team.
Ich habe ein Problem.
Ich wähle als Hintergrund ein Bild in einer Farbsektion. Verhalten: fixiert.
Leider bringt mir die Wahl der Ausrichtung immer die gleichen Ergebnisse. Egal ob oben mittig, mittig mittig oder unten mittig – die Bilder werden immer gleich angezeigt. Dadurch werden immer Teile abgeschnitten, die ich gerne darstellen würde.
Was mache ich falsch?
Viele Grüße
January 17, 2020 at 1:11 pm #1175362January 17, 2020 at 7:22 pm #1175585This reply has been marked as private.January 18, 2020 at 9:11 pm #1175904Hi,
Thank you for the links and screenshots, for your mobile view of this page please try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field or in the WordPress > Customize > Additional CSS field:@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { #top.postid-41520 #wrap_all #header.av_header_transparency + #main #av_section_2 > .av-parallax { background-position: center 220px !important; } #top.postid-41520 #wrap_all #header:not(.av_header_transparency) + #main #av_section_2 > .av-parallax { background-position: center 100px !important; } }
this will adjust the background position before and after the scroll.
Best regards,
MikeJanuary 22, 2020 at 7:21 pm #1177258Hi Mike.
It works – for this one post. Thank you for the code. Do I have to add additional CSS for every post with the same issue? Why does the button to change the position on different alignments not work?
Best regards
January 22, 2020 at 7:35 pm #1177259Could I define this as a custom css class and ad the class in the color section?
Sorry – I´m not a professional webdesigner.
Best regards.
January 23, 2020 at 1:36 pm #1177598Hi,
Glad to hear this works, I had added the post ID (#top.postid-41520) to the code for it to work on the one post to test, and I was not sure if each post was going to be the same or not. You can remove the “#top.postid-41520” part of the code.So I investigated this further and created a test post on your site and found that this css in the theme was causing the issue:
.avia_mobile .avia-full-stretch { background-attachment: scroll !important; }
So even though you had set the image to “fixed” it was actually getting set to “scroll” and moved the image up and was clipped, I corrected by adding this css in your Quick CSS:
.avia_mobile #top #main .avia-bg-style-fixed .avia-full-stretch { background-attachment: fixed !important; }
Please clear your browser cache and check the test post on mobile. Then please check your other pages on mobile to see if is working for them and if so you can remove the first css I gave you, or use both, it’s up to you.
You may find the first css handy to fine tune some background positions with a pixel value rather than a basic “top” or “center”
For your other question, you can define this custom css with a class and add the class in the color section, please let us know if you still want to do this, I’m not sure if the new info changes your thought about this.Best regards,
Mike -
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