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  • #423443


    I add a extra widget in the header. It is the language switcher of multipress. I know, that enfold prefer wmpl, but after I had one serious crash with wmpl, I prefer not to use it anymore.

    The flags of the widget appears next to the social icons, like they should. But if I scroll down, the flags scroll down too. Doesn’t look too nice. And if I change to table or phone size, the widget area is mixed with my “phone message”.

    (Btw.: If I activate this phone line and secondary menue, they are in the same row. Possible to fix this for the future? And how to change the font size of the secondary menue?)

    Thanks in advance.


    Hey Alex!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    So you want the top bar to “unstick” when you scroll down? You can enable that on Enfold > Header > Header Behavior > Unstick topbar,

    Best regards,


    HI Ismael,

    sorry this I dont mean. Header, top header are fine. Just the position of the widget in the top header is moving, when you scroll down. From center position of the top bar down to the bottom of the top bar.

    I want, that the widget stick in his position like all other elements of this top header (Text and social buttons),





    Replace the code with this:

    #header #mlp_widget-3 {
      top: -73px;
      left: 70%;
      padding-top: 0px;
      position: absolute;
      padding-bottom: 20px;
    #header.header-scrolled div#mlp_widget-3 {
      top: -44px;

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    if you shrink the header by scrolling, the widget goes up for this time and come back. If you can change this, it would be cool, otherwise I can live with this jump too.

    What is more disturbing: If you view it by phone or so, the widget lays over the small info text “Beschwerde einreichen”


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by alexhell. Reason: forget a topic


    Did you test the code suggested above? It should prevent the flags from “jumping” when you scroll up or down.



    Hi Ismael,

    yes, sure. Before the widget was just going down and stayed, if you scroll down. Now it is just jumping for the period in which the header/logo is shrinking.



    I cannot see widget area in hear at the moment. Have you removed it? If so, can you please apply it once again? We are going to need to see the issue live to provide you an accurate solution

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,
    it is still there. This are just the 2 small flags up in the header.

    On the main page, the header is hidden in the beginning at the moment. But if you go to another site, you can see, what I mean.

    But the jump is not the main topic. Most disturbing for me still: If you view it by phone or so, the widget lays over the small info text “Beschwerde einreichen”.



    How did you add the widget? Please post the code on You can adjust the position of the widget on different screen sizes by using media queries.


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