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  • #182481

    Hello Kriesi Team,

    2 kleine fragen.
    1) wir würden gerne im easy slider externe Bilder (webcams, die somit automatisch updaten) über externe URLS einbinden. Selbiges allenfalls beim normalen “Image”. Beides erscheint uns nicht möglich! Kann das sein oder gibt es eine workaround?
    2) das Scroll to top Icon (rechts unten) hat bei uns keine Pfeil mehr (z.B: Wie können wir das ändern?

    vielen dank und lg


    Hey dreirad!

    1) Did not understand, sorry :/
    2) Please refer to this post and let us know if issue remains

    Best regards,


    hey yigit,

    thanks for reply. second question could be solved. (problem was the use of a childtheme) thanks.
    the first question now in english: we would like to embed images from a external server (e.g. webcams) to either easyslider or for example with the “normal” image shortcode. it does not seem to be possible because one can only choose uploaded images. any suggestion?

    best regards



    You are going to need to hire a freelance developer for that kind of customization as it is beyond the scope of support we can provide. You can request quote here.

    Best regards,

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