I would like to suppress the previous and next arrows built into Easyslider and replace with external navigation buttons – any clues as to targeting the slides in easyslider from external buttons?
Hi stevecontent!
I’m not sure if it would be easily doable or what the best route to take would even be. I’ll tag Peter on the issue but it may be something a developer needs to dig into and explore a bit before really trying a specific approach.
Afaik there’s no api for the slider controls but you can use the trigger() function: https://api.jquery.com/trigger/ to simulate an click event if someone uses your external controls. You can try this code (insert it at the bottom of enfold/js/avia.js):
$( ".my-custom-next" ).on( "click", function() {
$( ".next-slide" ).trigger( "click" );
$( ".my-custom-prev" ).on( "click", function() {
$( ".prev-slide" ).trigger( "click" );
})( jQuery );
and instead of “my-custom-prev” and “my-custom-next” insert the css classes of your external next/prev control buttons.