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  • #174669


    bumping into a new customer project I’d like to drop a note (maybe as an idea) for a different portfolio approach.

    First, a quick layout shot:

    Portfolio Type

    What I like to achieve is a custom grid view showing the portfolio categories. Within the categories will be a simple slider showing up to n entries (maybe there should be a limitation to the entries because of load time) with basic sliding (left/right), headline and linked to the item itself.

    So the viewer may hop straight into an item or choose the portolio category to display the standard grid.

    The approach itself is meant to be implemented on the homepage. It will be done within a child theme extending both the avia builder and the portfolio class. If you’re interested, I’ll drop the code once it’s finished. Takes some time, just started with layout process.




    Hi formateins!

    Yes sure, I guess some other users will find the child theme useful too.



    Hey, I’d like to drop an update to this issue.

    After playing around with Enfold for quite a lot of time I’ve decided to put this piece into a own plugin instead of messing with a child theme.

    The main reason to do so is just the fact that Enfold comes along with a own framework. It’s nearly impossible (and really time consuming) to mess with existing arrays within the child. Impossible? No, not really. But you’ll have to copy so many files from the parent it is pretty much useless. So I had to decide if I mess up the theme itself making the automated updates useless OR go for a plugin.

    Of course I do use the Enfold styles adding only a few more to keep things in place. The categories are read through the post type and taxonomy provided by the portfolio. For each category a certain amount of single entries are read (at the moment 4) and beeing displayed inside with the use of the Enfold slider capabilities. Still messy, but working.

    The product browser is simply inserted by a shortcode. Some attributes are planned (like category id’s and amount of single entries for each category and also a feature to select random products) but first everything has to be working perfectly.

    The final plugin will take quite a while to be finished as the customer is a slow pacer. So if you are interested, just drop me a note and I’ll keep you informed.

    At this point there’s nothing really exiting to show to you. Sorry.




    Sure, you can post the status updates here or send them to (Email address hidden if logged out)


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