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  • #416164


    Just wondering how I can extend the nav bar to be full width in boxed mode? I like my content in boxed mode but want the nav bar to go fullwidth. Is this possible? Also how can I remove the vertical white border between the nav links?

    Screenshot of nav menu



    Hey tjpicasso!

    That would take too much work to do it in boxed layout. If you switch to the stretched layout though we can give you some CSS to make it look like the boxed layout and still have a fullwidth header.

    For the menu links add this to your custom CSS.

    nav.main_menu a { border: 0px !important; }



    Hi Elliot,

    That sounds like a good solution to me!



    Hi Elliot,

    Ive found the css you posted in an earlier support query and its worked perfectly.
    The issue I’m having now is that its hidden the background on the Color Section at the top. Any idea how I could resolve this?

    #main > .container_wrap:first-child { background: white !important; } /* or use whatever background you need */
    #main > .container_wrap:first-child .container { background: white; }

    This is the background image on the color section. I want it to be boxed with the booking form floating on top

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by tjpicasso.


    Page you posted in your first post cannot be found. Can you please post the link to your page once again so we can see the issue to provide you an accurate solution?


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