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  • #570634

    Hi there,

    I bought Enfold on 27 Apr 2013. Now I see, the support for updates is remaining only 1 month. Do I have to rebuy the whole theme now again in order to get 6 more months, / buy the extended support for 12 month? Will I be forced to buy at least every year / half year the theme completly again in order to use it and get all the updates?



    Hey Thomas!

    There should be an option available for you to purchase extended support. If I remember right it’s around $17 for another 6 months. If you do not see the options then contact themeforest support and they will get you sorted.



    I see the option, but when I check it, it adds the full price of the theme to it, too. That’s hwy i was asking ;)





    The option to update license, will be available when you license expires.
    That is how it works on envato, so – unfortunately – you will have to wait for that.

    Let us know if we can help you with anything else



    Perfect, thx!

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