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  • #1227790

    I am moving my website from WordPress. I have about 200 blog posts since 2012. I’ve used the Enfold theme for several years and upgrades. In that time the theme and WP has gone from classic to the modular editing.

    When the transfer of posts was migrated to the the new hosting site most of the posts lost the paragraph marker so it comes over as one very long post. Where ever a paragraph was in the original content, is now “no space” between sentences.

    The older and untouched posts are completely without paragraph markers. I didn’t post for quite a while so did not get up toe speed on block modular build. More recent content, since the blocks, import mixed – some are accurate others are one long block. I may have edited in both classic and modular builds! I think it is related to the classic formatting.

    ex: WP:
    Here is the first sentence. Ended with a return.
    And here is the next sentence.

    What is transferred looks like this:
    Here is the first sentence. Ended with a return.And here is the next sentence. (note the no space from period to next letter)

    I will probably do a fresh export from WP to import again.
    My question: what can I do to prepare this export so there is a better chance the paragraphs are recognized?
    My thoughts: Is there a way to quickly convert from classic to blocks so it does make the breaks better? I think it is much easier to prepare WP than to fix on the other side…

    TIA for you insight and support.


    Hey NavGrief,

    I’m not sure if it would work or not, but if you disable the Block Editor on the new site the your posts should use the Classic Editor. Please try this in function.php on your new site before importing:

    // disable for posts
    add_filter('use_block_editor_for_post', '__return_false', 10);
    // disable for post types
    add_filter('use_block_editor_for_post_type', '__return_false', 10);

    Best regards,


    Thank you! I shall check with my web team for trying this. Sounds logical.



    EEK! Oh wait! It is the posts using the classic editor that are not being brought in correctly.
    If I open each of the old posts for edit, does the theme “upgrade” so to speak to the modular build? once opened they would act like the Block editor?



    Thanks for the update. I’m not sure I understand your last post, but I forgot to ask which editor the old posts were created with?

    Best regards,


    Sorry. I didn’t get the notification…
    The old posts were created with the classic.

    I have posts from 2010 to current. Using enfold for several years.
    The posts that transferred correctly were the most recent / in the six months and mostly new posts created. I was absent for a while so I don’t really know when the blocks came in!

    I am set up to edit in classic still. I just wonder if I can open each and get it to update to blocks. It is most text blog. No inline photos.

    ** I see that the old posts have <p> and the newer ones have <div> for the html.

    Thanks! I’ll check back faster.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by NavGrief. Reason: New info


    Thanks for the update. Do you still need help with this? If so then please let us know what you are having problems with.

    Best regards,


    Yes. Please. (Durn the notification isn’t working)

    Is there a quick way to force the <Div> to replace <P>? It doesn’t happen with turning into a block.




    Doing it manually would likely be the safest way, but I guess you don’t want to do that. Maybe you could try a search and replace plugin? Like this for example: I would advice that you try it out on a development or local copy of the site first though.

    Best regards,


    OK. I think you are right about the manual run through. I was of course hoping for a quicker solution! Thanks for sticking this out! All. done :)


    Hi NavGrief,

    Glad we could help :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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