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  • #1189121

    Does anyone know why I can’t export post and content using the wordpress default Import tool from dashboard?
    Would I need to disable some options in the theme ?
    While trying to import, it redirects me to the themes blog page.


    Hey Darebvk,

    That should work as with any other WordPress theme, could you post details in private to where we can see and reproduce this problem please?

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard,
    Yes you are right, this is exactly how it should be but is not.
    I have three different Enfold licenses installed, and every domain where Enfold is installed has the same problem.
    So, I can not run default WordPress Export tool, because it redirects me to the Enfold Blog page. This is not the case for domains where Enfold is not installed.
    Check private message with credentionals



    Thanks for that. I see the same problem you do on your site, but I can’t reproduce it on a local installation. What happens if you disable all plugins to see if there is a conflict coming from any of them?

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard,
    I try everithing , disable/enable all plug, play with Enfold options, But nothing happens, still same…
    Note that I have 10 domains on different servers, this only happens on domains where Enfold is installed.So, it is a thought that leads me to believe that the Enfold theme is involved this issue, I have no other explanation…

    Thnks for advice


    Hi Darko,

    Thanks for the update. Since I can’t reproduce it on a local installation, and we’ve had no other users report this problem, then it’s likely something local on your sites. Are we allowed to disable plugins on your site in order to debug?

    Also please include FTP login details in private so that we can have a look at the htaccess file.

    Best regards,

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