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  • #1207903

    Hi Is there any way to have expanding table cells in a pricing table. For example if you were to click on a button or toggle box the cell in question expanded to show some additional content like extra table fields or check boxes? Please see my visual here:

    Expanding column

    Basically what I want is the check boxes to appear when a user clicks on [Customise my plan]. I did try this by adding a toggle box/accordion to a table cell and it almost worked but not quite (

    Thanks in advance for your help!


    Hey domchocolate,

    Unfortunately, something like this would require a custom solution and goes beyond the scope of support here in the forums. You would need a freelancer to complete this. There also may be table plugins you can use, but I wouldn’t be sure how far they allow customization.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan

    Thanks for that and my apologies.

    I’ve posted a few things up here that people have been kind enough to help me with; things that I thought were probably a bit beyond the ‘off-the-shelf’ Enfold theme – so it’s difficult to know where that boundary lies in terms of support.

    I have just worked out how to do it using existing Enfold/Avia elements (bar some minor styling which I’ll fix tomorrow). It worked out well and would be glad to share it when complete.




    Perfect! I’m glad that you were able to get a solution!

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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