same page in english is ok –
page in greek gets its excerpt text bold –
plz. help
you need to configure the theme options for each language – i.e. you can set a different logo, different colors, different copyright text, etc for each language. Just select the current language from the language dropdown in the admin panel; the theme name will change – eg to Enfold (DE) if you select German – then you can configure & save the options for the German website. Then select another language and configure the options for this language, etc.
thx dude, i know that…
but… there is no style directive saying that the excerpt in blog posts should be bold (and thus also colored) in greek site…
am i missing something ? can u check plz
It seems like there’s an unclosed “strong” element which affects the entire website. w3cvalidator says that after
<strong>Επιτρέπονται τα φάρμακα κατά...
a closing strong tag is missing…
Best regards,
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks!!! :-)