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  • #842317

    I want to use transparent header on every page of my site. On the pages that are light backgrounds, a standard header color scheme with logo works fine. On pages that are dark, I want to utilize the transparent header settings in the Enfold Child Theme to set all white nav font colors as well as a white logo.

    Is there a way to dictate which pages I want to use the transparent header settings and which pages I do not want to use those settings – all while having the page header set to transparent?

    You can see on this page that a dark color scheme works great

    You can see on this page that a light color scheme is preferred

    Thank you for your help.


    Hey shreinmedia,

    NO, there is no such setting, but we can adjust css for specific pages. If you can specify the pages and what colors for the menu you need, we can give you css for that. Or you can do it yourself if you know css.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Thank you Victoria for getting back so quickly. Ya’ll are awesome.

    I got pretty close after looking at four or five posts from other users/moderators on the forum.

    HOME PAGE uses standard header – nothing fancy, no custom CSS

    COMPANY PAGE uses custom css that I applied just to that page. I actually was able to dial in almost everything.

    Here is what I still need help with.
    On the company page, how do I change the logo for just that page (so I can use a white version).
    On the company page, how do I change the color of the text to white INSIDE the blue button when the sticky header is activated? (right now the button text is white but when I scroll and the sticky header becomes active it goes to the grey color.

    Does this make sense?

    Thanks again!


    Hi shreinmedia,

    You can play with this code, the colors are just an example:
 #wrap_all .header_color #menu-item-143.av-menu-button-colored > a .avia-menu-text {
        background-color: #E91E63;
        color: #ffffff !important;
        border-color: #0c2068;
    } #wrap_all .header_color #menu-item-143.av-menu-button-colored:hover > a .avia-menu-text {
       color: #4CAF50 !important;

    Did you upload the lighter logo to the website already?

    Best regards,


    Thank you Victoria. I will be trying this out today.

    Yes, I have uploaded the lighter logo –


    Hi shreinmedia,

    Here is the code you can put in your funtions.php, it will make your logo change, but might look a bit weird.

    function av_change_logo() {
    	global $post; 
    	$pageId = $post->ID; 
    	echo $pageId;
    	if ($post->ID == 13) {
                 echo "<script>" .
    	     "jQuery(window).load(function() {" .	
    	     "jQuery(\".logo a img\").attr(\"src\", \"\");" .
    			"}); </script>";
    add_action('wp_footer', 'av_change_logo');

    Let me know how this works for you.
    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Victoria.
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