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  • #1476330

    How can I create events in ENFOLD which no longer be displayed automatically at the end date, but the events that are still active should move up in order.
    There is a plugin for this? I have not found one.
    Thanks for a reply

    Greetings Fred


    have a look at this small plugin:
    (GNU General Public License v2.0 or later – so you can use it)

    you will have then on all posts under publishing the post :

    after expiration those post/pages goes to an extra “Expired” State.
    PS – there is only the setting for post/pages not for portfolio. BUT only two places in sourcecode can change that to have it for portfolio too.
    /includes/main.php (line 86 – add to the array ‘portfolio’ )
    /includes/settings.php (line40 – add a new line with portfolio)


    Thanks a lot
    I will try it

    Greetings Fred


    I cant find an PlugIn for downloading.
    Where can I find it?
    Greetings Fred


    just a question – you are talking about events; you got an events plugin that does not have expiration dates?

    Sorry i only read your topic – not the post
    there are lot of plugins that can be asumed under events f.e.: The Free Plan is good enough for the most possibilities.


    Thanks a lot
    I will have a look there

    greetings Fred

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