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  • #1371944

    Hi There,

    I’m running a site with Events Tickets Plus installed. Since 5.2 the Attendee Registration Portal doesn’t work, when you click ‘Add Tickets’ the scrollbar to the right disappears and the site behaves a bit like those goats when they freeze up with fear and fall over.

    URL in private contents. This is a staging site I set up for testing.

    Seems ok with 5.1.2 and the workflow works without the modal (ie. get tickets -> checkout -> provide attendee info), but the modal changes the order (get tickets -> attendee registration in modal -> checkout)., that’s when the site seizes up, a al fainting goat. Not possible to scroll after Get Tickets is clicked.

    I’m not sure how long the modal feature has been available on Events Tickets Plus, but client has complained they couldn’t take orders so I presume a while and that recent Enfold updates have caused it to fail.

    The staging site I’ve linked has quite a lot going on but I’ve stripped it down to just vanilla Enfold, no child theme and no other plugins and it seems to all work prior to 5.2.

    Could you help please? I’d like to get this modal feature working if possible.



    Hey Paul,

    The resources on the site seems to be cached and minified. Could you try clearing and disabling all caches and minification please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Whoops, sorry left all that on when I made the last clone.

    Should all be off now.




    Thank you for the update.

    The site freezes because these properties get added to the body element after clicking the “Get Tickets” button.

    position: fixed;
    width: 100%;
    margin-top: 0px;

    The body element also inherits another class name called a11y-dialog__body-locked, which seems to be from an accessibility plugin. Did you add any accessibility plugins or scripts recently?

    To fix the freezing temporarily, you can add this css code.

    body {
       position: static !important;

    Best regards,


    Hi There,

    Sorry for the late reply, busy week.

    No, I don’t have any accessibility plugins running. I don’t recognise that class at all.

    I’ve stripped 2 staging sites down to their underwear for comparison, see below. They’re both identical in terms of plugins and I’ve disabled everything else. The only difference is the version of Enfold. They’re on the same host, same PH settings, extensions, etc.


    Enfold – 5.1.2
    Event Tickets – 5.5.4
    Event Tickets Plus – 5.6.3
    The Events Calendar – 6.0.4
    The Events Calendar Pro – 6.0.3
    Woocommerce 7.1.0

    No Worky:

    Event Tickets – 5.5.4
    Event Tickets Plus – 5.6.3
    The Events Calendar – 6.0.4
    The Events Calendar Pro – 6.0.3
    Woocommerce 7.1.0

    Also running on both sites but unlikely connected:

    Maintenance – 4.0.6
    ManageWP worker – 4.9.15

    Any thoughts?




    Thank you for testing this.

    Did you try the css fix above? It should override the inline style that a script is adding to the body tag which freezes the whole document. Unfortunately, we are not yet sure which script or plugin is adding the inline style or the accessibility class name.

    Best regards,

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