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  • #1032736


    Can you please speak with the Event team, so we can locate where the problem is exactly?

    Best regards,


    Hello! First: thankyou, thankyou so much, Enfold is great!
    Second: sorry for my “scrappy translate” english, i think in Italian and i hope to be able to explain myself: i have exactly the same problem exposed at the beginning of the thread, but i currently using Enfold 4.7.4 (child) and the plugin is Modern Event Calendar. Is it possible to show the event start date instead of the creation date in Magazine element?
    Thanks, hope you are safe and healty


    Sorry for the late reply, I created a test event for the Modern Event Calendar plugin and then I added a magazine element for the event category and the element shows the event date and not the creation date without having to make any changes.
    So I’m not sure why you are not getting the same results, perhaps there is a conflict with a plugin?
    Please open a new thread so we can assist, and include your admin login in the Private Content area, but as this is not your thread your login info will not be private if posted in this thread.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    thanks for the answer, it is possible that it does not work for me because I chose to display the posts in the element by tag and not by category. unfortunately I can’t do otherwise,i need the data structure just as I created it: I have to manage two calendars (with a single plugin), the categories are useful to select and separate the posts but in the magazine I have to bring everything together and I can do it with tags.
    However I opened a new thread ( ) and managed to find a solution… with some changes in the magazine.php file.
    Thankyou very much and sorry for my “Googletranslated” english.
    Best regards,


    Glad to hear you found a solution, thanks for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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