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  • #616353

    Hey there
    For no reason [ not even a plugin update or anything ] events countdown on home page is invisible. It seems it is there [space is occupied] but nothing shows up
    I’ve searched forums a bit and someone had same problem but on another theme
    I’ve added `.dash .digit, .dash .dash_title, .next_event_wrap, .next_event_wrap.dash, span.next_event + a { color: white !important; }
    ` in custom.css but no help also :)
    disabled and enabled plugins but no luck :|


    it seems that IF we have an event which is ongoing multiple days – no countdown
    But if we have each event on seperate day – it is working
    Is there some fix for this perhaps ?

    Also, can we select what category is countdown looking for action ? I might have an event category only for seperate days instead of weekly events

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by cyberhrc.

    Hey cyberhrc!

    You are using an old version of the theme, so please upgrade to Enfold 3.5.3 and let us know if you still need help afterwards.


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