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  • #256491

    on i am using the myeventon Plugin ( for displaying and promoting our Music schools events. It is by far the best event Management i have been using as far as its Features are concerned, but updates Are Always a matter of luck. After updating To wp 3.9, all calendar Styling is gone, as you can See, due To the Plugin author enfold keeps the respective Stylesheet from loading. Really? Strange enough, everythings works fine as long as i am logged in.

    Since myeventon offers only a very poor support (a fact, that makes it Almost useless), all Othelr Plugin work Reals well with enfold, i do have To ask for your advice. If i cannot get this To work, i will have to look for another event plugin.

    Thanks for your Great Support, in Moments like these One experiences, that at least 50% of a themes or Plugins quality depends on further Development and a working Support.

    Cheers, Sebastian

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by mirzepapa.

    Solved, the issue was caused by the automatted minify settings of w3tc. Disabling the automatic CSS minifying brings back the eventon Stylesheet.

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