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  • #1129044

    Hi. The Events Calendar just updated to version 4.9.7, and it looks like the update broke the Enfold Theme’s event countdown and upcoming events shortcodes. (These are custom shortcodes that you created for use in the Church Demo.)

    For reference, here is the thread from the last time this happened:

    Our site relies on this behavior, so it would be very helpful if you could take another look at this. Thanks so much for your assistance.



    Hey Gary,

    Best regards,


    Hey Victoria, thank you so much. I will give this a try and report back.




    Hi Gary,

    Ok, hopefully, this helps :)

    We’ll keep the thread open for a while.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria, one last question.


    Hi garyvot,

    You can try to start with those folders, yes, and see how it works for you.

    Best regards,


    Unfortunately, this is still not working, even after updating to version 4.6.2 of Enfold and version 4.9.8 of TEC. Is there any chance that this will be resolved soon?

    Reminder: this issue is occurring with the Events Countdown element. The Upcoming Events element seems to be working correctly. The element fails to render any content.

    Thank you.



    Allow us some more time, while w do work those things around :)

    Best regards,


    Hope you find a fix soon!

    and FYI your Church Demo shows the same problem with the Event Countdown:


    Thank you Basilis.

    We have temporarily switched to using an ordinary Animated Countdown element, but of course this is not ideal, as it must be manually updated for each new event, and we use them in several places on the site.

    Hopefully this is something that you find a resolution for.


    For now I reverted the events calendar to 4.9.6 and its working fine again but definitely waiting on the fix here so I can update to the latest version of the events calendar.



    Please do ask the plugin developers also, they might have an idea on how to get the compatibility going properly.

    Best regards,

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