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  • #1235445

    I want to use the updated calendar options and according to your instructions I overrode default-template.php file in the child theme (

    Looks good so far apart form the tribe-bar which seems broken. Could you please check and let me know what to do about it?

    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by YU-Design. Reason: Please delete my question - My client waits for his website to be live, so I can't wait or support. But changed back to the old TEC

    Hey YU-Design,

    Sorry for the delay. Did you use the default-template.php file from the enfold\config-events-calendar\views folder? Is there a staging or development version of the site?

    To adjust the layout of the filter container, try this css code.

    #tribe-bar-form .tribe-bar-filters-inner {
    	padding: 10px 20px 0 20px;

    Best regards,


    Hi there,

    ok, I found the solution to solve this:

    You wrote: “If you have a child theme, create a new directory called tribe/events/v2, copy the config-events-calendar > views > default-template.php file, then place it inside the new directory or the v2 folder. The layout will display just fine even if the new calendar designs are enabled.

    What worked for me (using TEC Pro) is a folder in the child theme called /tribe-events/ and copy default-template.php inside.

    Unfortunately the category and organiser view are still not looking good. Are there specific ENFOLD files to place into the child theme. Or do I have to customize them by myself?

    Thanks again,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by YU-Design.

    After a long conversation with the TEC-support it came more and more evident that the promised “Events Calendar and Events Calendar Pro Integration” is not working with Enfold.

    Enfold does not take into account any of the customized folders and files whereas a switch to a standard theme with the excact same customisation works perfectly.

    Is there a chance for a properly working TEC-integration in the next future? I’m happy to share the insights from my support request to TEC with you if this helps to get this done.



    What’s frustrating is this has been known issue since March –

    The Event Calendar Pro is one of THE MOST popular calendars out there. I really hope Enfold starts working on a patch to fix this soon!



    Sorry for the delay! We are working on it. For the time being, you can go to The Events Calendar settings > Display and uncheck “Use updated calendar designs”.

    Best regards,


    Hi there,

    still TEC’s updated calendar design is not displayed properly with ENFOLD. Whereas switiching back to a default theme does not cause problems with TEC whichs leads me to the conculsion that there is still some integration work needed from the ENFOLD developers.

    Said this TEC announced that the legacy views won’t work anymore after August 3rd 2021 ( I really would highly appreciate to see a working integration of ENFOLD with TEC before that date to make sure the websites are running fine.

    Any idea when this will be the case?
    best, yu


    Hi Yu,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    We are going to include the compatibility in upcoming version.
    In the meantime, if you are using Enfold 4.8.1, please replace following files:
    /enfold/config-events-calendar/config.php file with –
    /enfold/config-events-calendar/event-mod-css-dynamic.php file with –
    /enfold/config-events-calendar/event-mod.css file with –

    Best regards,


    I have applied all your coding above and it hasn’t changed anything to fix the problem. The Single event page reverts to the standard Event Calendar still and not the Enfold one with Event Calendat V5.x. I have cleared cache and all the normal checks.


    Hi @Barry,

    Could you please go to Enfold theme options > Performance tab and disable “CSS file merging and compression” if it is enabled and save theme options, flush cache and check if that helps? If it does not, could you please create a new thread and attach temporary admin logins in private content field there so we can look into it?
    Please feel free to share the link of new thread here :)

    Best regards,


    I have discovered what the issue. I had updated my system to the version 5.5 modules he Event Calendar (the latest version) and Enfold doesn’t work with these on the new layout of the single event..
    When I downgraded the plugins to version 5.4, Enfold worked OK.


    Hey @biwales,

    I have tested on version Version and it does work fine on my end. We are working on further adjustments but there should not be any layout issues with current version.

    Please start a new thread and share admin logins so we can look into it.


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