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  • #371750

    Hi, I’m having the problem, that my social icons on my main page don’t show up correctly, on other pages it is ok. I’ve installed the latest version of the theme und the latest version of WordPress. By finding out what cuases this problem I’ve discovered some more problems. I can’t change my frontpage to another page through the settings, there are no changes. Even if I change the complete template, my frontpage is always in the style of my current Enfold main page, althought it is a complete different template and I deleted my cache for severeal times and even deactivated all my plugins.
    I even can’t set up a plugin for maintenance, it doesn’t work on my homepage, only on subpages.
    1. How do I get the social icons work again on my frontpage?
    2. How can I delete Enfold and its frontpage?
    3. How can I set up a maintenace plugin?

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by spirit1977.

    Hey spirit1977!

    Your login got me past the htaccess login but it did not work for the WordPress login. It looks like your using Enfold 3.0.2. Go ahead and update to the latest version, 3.0.4, and then deactivate all plugins to see if you still have the problem.

    Also make sure your not using any static pages in Dashboard > Settings > Reading.



    Hi Elliot, I’ve added the login details for wordpress above.
    I’m using the version 3.0.4. and I already deactivated all plugins.



    Hmm, yes it says 3.0.4 in the dashboard but it says 3.0.2 in your source code for some reason. Try completely deleting Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest and let us know when your done so we can take another look.

    Let us know if we can deactivate your plugins while testing.

    Best regards,


    Hi Elliot, I’ve completly deleted Enfold and installed it again. Yes you can deactivate all plugins.



    Hmm, It’s still saying 3.0.2 for me. Are you sure your completely deleting all files via FTP from your WordPress theme directory before uploading the fresh copy?

    Is your server using some kind of cache option?


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Elliott.


    I’ll flag this for the rest of our team to take a look.

    Best regards,



    as Elliott already said it seems that you are still using Enfold 3.0.2 as shown in your source code:

    So your server might use some caching. Please contact them and ask for help so you can be sure all (corrupted) files are deleted before you get your fresh copy of Enfold from your themeforest account.



    Hi together, Happy New Year.
    I’ve contacted my hoster and they said there is no caching. I don’t know what to do now. I can update Enfold as often as I want and I even can’t activate another theme, the main page is always Enfold. What could that be?



    what do you mean with you can’t activate another theme? Did you try to reinstall WordPress?



    Hi, it looks like the main page is cached, but I don’t know why and where I can redo it. I’ve tried to install older versions of WordPress and even reinstalled the latest one. I’ve tried to activate other themes, but I always get the main page of Enfold and on subpages a different theme. Even if Enfold is active and I open a suppage I get Enfold 3.0.4 shown in the source code. My webhoster said there is no caching installed on the server. I have no more ideas what to do.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by spirit1977.


    ok I checked your website, deactivated all plugins and activated another WordPress Theme. You are right, only your first page seems still an Enfold page. I have never seen such a case.
    Could you please try to delete Enfold via FTP using a program lie Filezilla for example? any program which is not web based provides by your host.
    If that does not work as well, could you provide us FTP access?



    Hi, I’ve set up a backup from the beginning of December, now it works again. I have no idea what it was. Nevertheless, thank you very much for your support.



    glad you did it!
    Let us know if you need any more help. We are happy to assist.

    Best regards,

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