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  • #783521

    i have an error when i use sections tabs after slider
    you can see the link

    if the section tab go to the end of page all of problem solve
    but i wont it after the slider



    I am not sure if i understood the issue clearly and could not see anything wrong with your page. Can you please elaborate?

    Best regards,


    this tab sections
    when i put it after the slider
    the footer look like this

    and the gallery like this

    you can see here



    Thanks for the link. Please send us a temporary admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    ok thank’s


    Hi SafwanQr,

    Do you mean that you need the footer full width? Or could you describe more in detail or give us a mockup of what you’re trying to achieve, please?

    Best regards,


    please can you see the previous replies

    there is a problem with sections tabs
    you can inspect element here and you will see that there is a problem with <div> when we use sections tabs
    this problem caused a problem with footer and gallery


    Hi SafwanQr,

    I’ve read the topic a few times today and I it is not clear to me, can you make a screen shot of when you inspect and see the problem, please? That way we can come up with a solution for you.

    Also, you can enable the Advanced Layout Builder debug mode and see all the shortcodes on the page. Here is how to do it

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Victoria.

    here is the screanshoot
    when i use the sections tabs after slider

    this how should it be
    look how gallery and footer look like

    but the problem that i need the tabs after the slider


    Hi SafwanQr,

    Thank you for the screen shots, it is much more clear now. What I am seeing is that all of the content is rendered outside main div, only Layer Slider is there, all the rest should be inside as well. Also WordPress already has a 4.7.4 version available but you installation says that the latest is 4.7.3. Hmmm..

    Could you try to make a new page (not a duplicate of this one) and copy all the shortcodes there and see what happens?

    Best regards,

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