We used the suggestions on https://kriesi.at/support/topic/move-search-icon-to-secondary-menu-and-right-besides-the-social-icons/ to move the search icon and search box. Since upgrading to WordPress 5.2 we are now receiving an auto generated email from the system that there is error with functions.php in regard to the av_move_search. The search box has reappeared in our header. I’ve copy/pasted the full error in private content along with the script we are using. Do you have any suggestions for correcting this? Thanks.
No, we did not have anyone report it yet and we did not come across it yet.
Was there any code above the function in your file?
Best regards,
No code above the function. It immediately follows:
* Add your own functions here. You can also copy some of the theme functions into this file.
* WordPress will use those functions instead of the original functions then.
Can you please share FTP access so we can see what is going on?
Best regards,
We upgraded the enfold version and the search box is still working. I don’t know how, but this is resolved for us and you can close this thread. Thanks!