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  • #1309670

    Hi team,

    When i have woo commerce active my backend for the site slows down. And sometimes when trying to update a product or a page it errors out and takes me to the “this page is not available” page or it give me the “There has been a critical error on this website.” a refresh and this is fixed.

    But im worried this problem might be on the front end for users sometimes. which is happening sometimes, “Service Unavailable
    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

    Additionally, a 503 Service Unavailable error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.” a refresh and it fixes it but i want to get to the bottom and find out why this is happening.

    it happens often, ways you could recreate the problem are, changing pages from the main menu on the front end, going into the products in the backend, adding a new product and saving it, editing a product and saving it, going into woocommerce options, editing pages. Its always fixed by a refresh. But this is just annoying.


    Hey wabrahams,

    A 503 is a server error, and is likely not caused by the theme. Does the same thing happen if you disable all other plugin except WooCommerce? Also please try enabling one of the default WordPress themes, to see what happens then. I would suggest that you try reaching out to your hosting provider about this as well, as they should be in a better place to help you out with server problems.

    Best regards,


    Did you find the problem? I have the same problem for a client at the moment. Cannot find the cause of this.


    Hi Sihamazaz,

    Please open a new thread and try to explain the problem you are having a bit further.

    Best regards,

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