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  • #1373379

    I am using a plugin called Icegram but am running into this error when trying to use it.
    Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home3/brighth7/public_html/dialhope/wp-content/plugins/auto-featured-image-from-title-pro/auto-featured-image-from-title-pro.php on line 182

    I have turned off all other plugins but the issue persists. I reached out to the plugin developer and they confirmed that this is an issue with the Enfold theme.

    Can you please help me debug this issue? Thank you!

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by dimrat.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by dimrat.

    Hey dimrat,

    Would you like to clarify how Enfold is the problem when the plugin in question is generating notices?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard. I have reached out to the developer for more details. I will get back to you as soon as I hear from them. Thank you for your time.


    Hi Rikard;

    It appears that when the Enfold theme is deactivated and we use a standard Twenty Twenty-Two theme, Icegram works as expected. I turned on the debug feature and have provided you with a screenshot of the debug log. It appears that there is an error with the Auto Feature Plugin, but Icegram still does not work with that plugin (or when all plugins have been disabled). It seems to be affected only by the Enfold theme.

    Is there anything else I can provide to you that would help? Do you want temp access to our site?


    Hi dimrat,

    If you’re site is already live, then please create a staging site first then give us access to it, so we can try to inspect it further.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko;

    I will set up staging and get back to you. In the meantime, I’m not sure if this will help but I loaded the Query Monitor plugin to help me debug the issue. Here’s what I saw.


    Hi dimrat,

    Thanks for providing us with the recording, we will also try to check on the issue further.

    Best regards,


    I have set up a staging site for you. The credentials are hidden below. Please let me know if you need anything else.


    Hi dimrat,

    Thanks for giving us admin access.
    We have fixed the issue on the staging site, in your live site, please replace the contents of wp-content > themes > enfold > config-gutenberg > class-avia-gutenberg.php with the contents of
    This fix will be included in Enfold 5.3.
    Please review your site :)

    Best regards,


    Thank you so much for looking into this Nikko. I’m still having an issue that when I try to create a new campaign the screen is blank. I have to click on All Campaigns to see the campaign I just created. Why is the screen empty when i click on Add New Campaign.


    When I try to create a new campaign I see mixed content errors in the console:
    I found that your WordPress ▸ Settings ▸ General ▸ Site Address was not https, so I fixed this for you.
    But the plugin icegram is still giving 108 mixed content errors:
    It looks like it is trying to get images from it’s website '' but http
    Try see if you can change this in any settings, or you will need to ask the plugin developer how it can load https images.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike;

    Thank you for looking into this issue. I had noticed the mixed content errors in the console as well and had already set the domain to on the live site, I also enabled Force HTTPS in the hosting and activated the Really Simple SSL plugin. None of these efforts resolved the issue. I have reached out to Icegram again with your latest message and will update your with their response once I get it.

    Thank you,


    Thanks for the feedback, the plugin will need to call it’s image elements as https for them to show on your site, strange that the plugin images are not included in the plugin files the images would be called from your own site.
    If the plugin site ever goes down, or out of business, your plugin would not work, perhaps this is not a good plugin to build your business on?

    Best regards,


    Thank you. I have passed this along. Those plugin images are specific to the “campaigns/posts” that the user is creating.


    I received an update from the plugin developer, Icegram. They determined that the issue was caused by a hidden field (name=avia-loader-none). See comments. Is this field necessary?
    Thank you.

    But we did some debugging and found that one hidden field(name=avia-loader-nonce) is being added inside our form element from the theme code and is affecting some CSS rules added by our plugin because of which this issue is occurring.
    Since you provided the theme zip file to us, we checked the code and found the location where this is being added. Have attached the screenshots below.
    We are not sure what this field does and if needs to be there on all the screens or not but this is what we found to be causing the issue. If it is not required on all the screens, then we would suggest that they can print them only on the required pages by adding some checks.

    For now, I have removed the CSS from our plugin code so that you can have access to that page but once you update the plugin, the changes will be gone.



    Thanks for the feedback I have asked the team if there is a way to disable this for your plugin, when I hear back I will reply here.
    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your patience, the Dev Team has replied that the only way to disable the hidden element “avia-loader-nonce” from the post type is to hack the core files:
    config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\class-template-builder.php functions visual_editor() and handler_wp_dbx_post_sidebar()
    but this is part of all ajax security checks – so this will most likely to break everything.
    So unfortunately this is not something that we can do.

    Best regards,

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