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  • #1022089

    Salve, ho aggiornato alla versione 4.5 mi genera questo messaggio: Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in /web/htdocs/ on line 1571

    Come risolvere?


    nessuna risposta?


    che senso ha pagare per avere un supporto che in realtà non esiste?


    Hi savino1981,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    ecco a lei. Grazie mille



    Thanks for the login details, though I can’t see any warnings on the front- or backend. Where are you seeing it? Please note that this will likely not affect any functionality on your site.

    Best regards,


    nel back-end sulla pagina di impostazione del tema enfold. Inoltre non mi salva il private token.


    Hi savino1981,

    Those are warnings, the token is saved and it is working. You need to disable debug info display, here is how to do it

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Having quite a few of Enfold instances installed and love the theme!
    In my humble opinion, disabling WP_DEBUG doesn’t solve the issue, it just doesn’t show it!
    It would be nice to know where is this bug originated and how to solve it.



    Thanks for the update. You can edit the framework > php > class-htmlhelper, line 1570:

    $locations = get_registered_nav_menus();
    			$menu_locations = array_flip( get_nav_menu_locations() );

    Replace it with:

    $locations = get_registered_nav_menus();
    			$nav_menu = get_nav_menu_locations();
    			foreach($nav_menu as $key => $value) {
    				$nav_menu[$value] = $key;
    			$menu_locations = $nav_menu;

    Let us know if it helps.

    Best regards,


    Hi Support,

    I got the same warning on one of the sites that updated to 4.5 and with token added.

    The solution provided by @Ismael works.



    Hi Anna,

    Great, glad you got it working and thanks for the feedback :-)

    Best regards,


    Do I have to replace just

    $locations = get_registered_nav_menus();
    			$menu_locations = array_flip( get_nav_menu_locations() );

    with the other code or do I have to replace even line
    $nav_menus = wp_get_nav_menus();
    in line 1572

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Oversberg.


    Look for these lines:

    $menu_locations = array_flip( get_nav_menu_locations() );	
    			$nav_menus = wp_get_nav_menus();

    And replace it with the modification:

    $nav_menus = wp_get_nav_menus();
    			 * array_flip does not work because plugins like <a href='' target='_blank' rel="nofollow">WPML</a> might return '' or null for value which throws a warning
    			 * $menu_locations = array_flip( get_nav_menu_locations() );
    			$menu_locations = array();
    			$temp = get_nav_menu_locations();
    			foreach ( $temp as $loc => $term_id ) 
    				if( is_numeric( $term_id ) && ( $term_id > 0 ) )
    					$menu_locations[ $term_id ] = $loc;

    Best regards,


    Thank you Ismael,

    The solution given worked for me too.




    : Thanks for the confirmation. :)

    Best regards,

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