I am having a problem importing custom font icons after exporting them from Fontello.
The ZIp seems to upload to the server fine, it then errors once uploaded.
“Couldn’t add the font because the server didn’t respond”
Details attached for FTP / Admin access
Was not sure how to debug this. Saw a few other examples of people with this problem but there were different solutions. Didn’t want to ask the host provider to do something if it wasn’t necessary.
Ha! Same issue for me! Hope someone gets back to you so I can see what to do!
Please try to increase the allocated memory to 256M: http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Increasing_memory_allocated_to_PHP
You can contact your service provider and they can do it for you.
Best regards,
well that’s not the issue for me my memory is already set to 368M
@metrocitygirl PHP ZipArchive extension is required to import zip files. Please contact your hosting provider and ask them to enable it.
Best regards,
@Yigit I manged to increase the memory limit via a user.ini file but this made no difference and I still get the error.
What else can I do to get this to work?
I will put a link to a PHP info page I have created on the site as well to try and help debug.
Not sure if this is of any use to you.
The upload is causing an internal server error.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
13:03:51.159 load-scripts.php?c=1&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload&ver=4.8.1:4 POST http://www.crescentsigns.co.uk/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 500 (Internal Server Error)
Please ask your hosting provider if the admin-ajax.php file is being blocked by the server. Also, please check for the latest errors logs and post it here.
Best regards,