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  • #1140846

    For some reason this issue has been fixed on several different websites throughout your forum but the person fixing it refused to publicly explain how it was fixed in the thread… so I have to ask again.

    I can give you admin access if you need it but on my home page I have two different sections that I have enabled Equal Height to across the row and neither of them are working properly. The first has three boxes (headers are “Developer” “Implementer” and “Funder”) and the second has three sections as well, each with an image on top and the first section header is “Who We Help And Why”. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve added extra css styling to the sections or what, but they aren’t equal at all. Please, for the sake of anyone else that finds my thread, please publicly explain what the issue is and how it can be fixed.


    • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by mourgie79. Reason: adding more detail

    Is there a link that you can post publicly here; sometimes even participants can help or find a good solution.


    you have set other values on your css than it is on default for flex-table ( as the name said – table layout )
    the outcommented lines are the settings you have made –
    the other is the default value
    so look for those custom set rules and get rid of them – because you merged your files it is hard to say where it is placed.

    #top .flex_column_table {
        /*** display: block;  ***/
        display : table
    #top .flex_column_table_cell {
        /*** float: left; ***/
        float: none

    Thanks so much. I’m used to themes that have the ability to add ids to sections and Enfold doesn’t have that option easily (unless I add it inline), which I find really weird considering they offer the ability to add classes. Apparently some of the css styles I added for other areas of the site infiltrated the front page as well.



    Thank you for the update.

    There is a field inside the color section editor called “Section ID”. You can add the value of the id attribute in that field. Just make sure that the “ID attribute input field” settings in the Enfold > Layout Builder > Builder Options For Developers section is enabled.

    Best regards,

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