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  • #243741

    Tried this solution https://kriesi.at/support/topic/removing-entypo-font-version-string/
    In both the parent and the child theme, but nothing seems to help, still 404 error.
    Any fix ror this





    Did you check if the file exists on your server? Maybe try to install the theme with ftp: https://vimeo.com/channels/aviathemes/67209750



    The file exists
    like entypo-fontello.woff without the ?=v2′ like it suppose to.
    Double checked this.
    The fonts are working, I se the icons at the website, just the WOFF is 404.
    Any suggestions?


    Not solved yet…



    Can you post a link to your website?


    This reply has been marked as private.


    As a quick FYI our queue goes by oldest posts to newest. When you self bump or ask about a topic it actually pushes the topic to the end of our queue and its more likely we will miss it rather than see it.

    As for the issue if the file is in fact located in wp-content/themes/vsd/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/assets/fonts/entypo-fontello.woff make sure that its set to be readable by the server. Eg, chmod 776.



    Gave it 776 and even 777, still 404



    Try re-installing a fresh version of the theme.



    Tried this too.
    Before rote to the support


    The only other option would be to talk to your hosting provider and explain the issue. If the file is there on the server and the theme is pointing to it but the server returns a 404 there must be something else going on server side.


    I don’t know what to tell them.
    The rest 99.99% of the website is ok, this is the only issue, the icons are show up at the frontend.
    How they suppose to know what to fix?
    Only the .woff?=v2 the rest of extensions for the font are ok’ too.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by vadi4ek.


    Thank you for the info.

    I’m not sure why the filter is not working. I also tested it on my end but the appended version doesn’t seem to be removed. If you don’t mind, you can remove the actual code on config-templatebuilder > avia-template-builder > php > template-builder.class.php. Find this code on line 45:

    'append'	=> '?v=2',



    Solution, if what I think is happening, is actually happening.

    If so, then the issue is with “Mime Type”. Woff is not a recognised just yet, so you have to add it to the .htaccess file or web.config file for Windows.



    Thanks for sharing your solution Paul!

    Best regards,

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