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  • #440689

    Hello everyone!

    Please can anyone help? I have a problem with icons “entypo-fontello” and have disappeared.
    While developing my website everything was correct but today I saw that the icons are not loaded. It only appears that “”.
    I tried a solution of this forum to add code to .htaccess but not working.
    Chrome console says “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)” but the file exists and the path is OK.

    I appreciate any idea.
    Thank you very much for everything!


    Hey srgwebs!

    Are you using a caching plugin? If so then try clearing it’s cache and check again.

    I tried checking your link but you have a coming soon page up. Though on the coming soon page the facebook and twitter icons are loading fine.

    Best regards,


    UPDATE! Republish everything using FTP. It works now!!

    Have someone the download link of 4.2.3? I just update to 4.2.6 and everything stop working! Please help!

    Note: The “avia-template-builder” was created inside “config-templatebuilder” and all assets was moved to it. But, the developers forgotten to adjust php code references. I think that is it.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by hurbis.

    Hi hurbis,

    Just to confirm, is it fixed on your end now? or do you still need 4.2.3?

    Best regards,

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