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  • #1473853


    If i create or edit a entry it does not save correct. Sometime the content is missing after saveing only if i save with the standart editor of wordpress.

    thank you benjamin


    Hey webdesignaustria,

    Thanks for the login details. How can we reproduce the problem that you are seeing on your end?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    creat a post and some content save in enfold editor -> in the post the header image, the date and the heading is not showing if you change the editor to wordpress default editor with only the enfold code it works fine.

    if i add an image in a page an click on save with the enfold editor, the content are missing

    thank you



    Thanks for the clarification. If you use the Enfold Layout Builder to create your posts, then all content need to be added to it manually using the elements from the Layout Builder.

    Best regards,



    yes i know, i use only the enfold layout builder. As example i open an entry and add some pictures click on save and the content is missing, also the heading, main entry image and date is not showing.

    thank you


    Hi Rikard,
    did you check the bug?

    thank you



    Thanks for the update. I created a test post and that seems to be displaying as expected. Please provide us with detailed step on how to reproduce the results that you are seeing on your end.

    Best regards,


    i have send a video



    Thank you for the video.

    Looks like you’re switching between the default and the layout builder. You have to stick with the default editor if you want to display the default post template and only switch to the Advanced Layout Builder (ALB) if you need to build the content from scratch. Please note that when ALB is active, it will switch to a blank template without the default content, such as the post title, date, content, etc.

    Please check this documentation to help you get started with the theme:

    Let us know if you need more assistance.

    Best regards,



    ok in all my other website with enfold i dont have this problem.

    Did you seen on the video that the content is suddenly deleted?
    And why does not show date, hederimage and soziallinks in enfold editor after i save the post?

    thank you


    here a video again



    Thanks for that. The reason why the content is disappearing is because you have open html tags in your content:


    You need to close all tags properly like so:


    Otherwise it will break the layout builder.

    And why does not show date, hederimage and soziallinks in enfold editor after i save the post?

    Like we wrote earlier; all content needs to be added manually to posts using the Layout Builder.

    Best regards,

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