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  • #224023

    I need to know if does exists a way to “duplicate” the entire website in a new language automatically by using WPML and then start to translate.
    I explain better:
    I introduced a lot of portfolio tags, categories, menus and items that I use in the page to show some elements in certain pages by using in Avia Page Builder:
    Blog Post -> Display Entries for custom taxonomies -> Post Tag -> Tag

    If I have to translate the entire site tag by tag, page by page, item by item, I have to make again the entire work.
    Is there a way to workaround this?


    Hi FLORENCE2014!

    Afaik this is not possible. You can use the “Copy content from XY” button on the page/post/portfolio entry editor page to copy the text content of a single entry but it won’t duplicate the entire website.

    Best regards,


    This is not a good news!
    Second step question: Does exists a way to translate or duplicate all portfolio tags?
    (I can work directly on db, if necessary)

    Anyway thank you for the answer!



    Go to WPML > Taxonomy Translation – there you can translate all taxonomies including the “Tags” taxonomy. I noticed a “Synchronize Tags assignment in content” button on this page which may help you. I recommend to ask the WPML devs if they can give you some useful tips. They know their plugin better thn we do and maybe I there’s a “duplicate all content” option and I just missed it.


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