Dear Kriesi-Team,
after updating to Version 3.0 we have some problems with the website-layout:
1. The website-layout suddenly seems to be boxed and centered. Before the update the website-layout (header, footer, content) was “left-aligned” and stretched…
2. The non-transparent-header has a grey background now. Before the update it was white. We cannot find where to adjust it again.
1.) this was probably because of a different maximum width of the template. This should have been imported with the update but just to make sure you can change the maximum width in your backend at enfold->general layout->dimensions now. Simply increase the value for maximum container width
2.) it seems you have added quite some modifications. I think this one causes the header to background to shine thorugh:
.header_color .header_bg { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); }
changing the background color to a solid white should do the trick…
.header_color .header_bg { background: #fff; }
Curiously problem 1.) doesn´t exist anymore… Your css also solved the problem of 2.)
Thank you,