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  • #701570

    I love Enfold. But I’m having a mild crisis here.

    When I use Safari (on Mac, latest OS) the site looks the way I customize it.

    In Chrome, on Mac, it falls apart.

    What am I doing wrong?

    I’m just designing this and it’s only partially complete….but this one baffles me. It’s version 3.8 of Enfold but only 1.0 of child. Is that it?



    Hi jodyrussell!

    Can you please disable any cache plugins and give it a try?
    Let us know if those will solve your issues.

    Thanks a lot

    Best regards,


    The only plug in active is Master Slide Pro. Removed everything else from this site!


    And I tried de-activating that plug in but it didn’t change the site.


    I do believe I figured it out! I use various locations for building client sites. In this case, I think the old database/files were holding onto old information. I need to erase the db and start from scratch! I rebuilt the site and all is well. ENFOLD ROCKS!!!!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by jodyrussell.


    Great, glad you found the problem. We’ll keep the thread open in case you should have any further problems.

    Best regards,

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