Tagged: theme-options, wpml
Is there an easy way to have the same enfold settings for all languages checked in WPML? I do NOT want to set up Enfold seperately for every language. The site should look the same allover any language.
Thank You,
Hi Thomas,
No, not that I know of. The whole gist of WPML is customization and settings for each language but on a single installation.
Best regards,
OK Devin, thanks a lot.
Maybe in a future version of Enfold and other themes which are WPML ready there will be an option to copy avia option settings from one to another language. Would be a massive time saver ;-), as for me it is unusual to have iE different color schemes or fonts or favicons, etc for different languages, cause more often the corporate design counts. Is there a suggestion board anywhere?
Looks like you found the feature request topic and posted already :)