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  • #852030

    this bug is in a live shop with high traffic so it’s very urgent
    Please Please help me ASAP

    the problem:
    if you go to (real URL is in the private Content) and press on any of the products ‘+’ quantity button 3 times (e.g you want 3 items of that product) and than you press the ‘add to cart’ button – every thing works as it should and the cart get filled with X3 of the product you chose
    if you go to (real URL is in the private Content) and press on any of the products ‘+’ quantity button 3 times (or any other number other than 1) and than you press the ‘add to cart’ button – always only X1 of the product you chose is added to the cart!

    ..this is a huge bug,
    i’m not sure why there is this difference between the category page and the default shop page
    please please help me fix it


    thanks to this

    you can close this ticket


    Hi Doron,

    Great job! Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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