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  • #1187388

    Hope all is well with you!

    I´d like to hide the shop page for wholesale only when using the WooCommerce Wholesale PP.
    I found this article: https://wholesalesuiteplugin.com/kb/create-wholesale-content-special-shortcodes/
    But can’t find where to place the shortcode ( [hide_from_wholesale] ) within the Woocommerce plugin for Shop.

    Since I’m using the Enfold theme I did find this article: https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/woocommerce-shop/
    And with that created another page with product grid to act like a shop, but I’m unsure with the shortcode since I can’t place it before & after the product grid without the shortcode being broken by Enfolds Layout Builder. I’ve tried doing that using the Code Block, but it did not work either.

    Would much appreciate any suggestions on how to solve this? Aka adding the shortcode so that the pdrocut grid can disappear.
    Thank you!


    Hey paraherbscbg,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We haven’t really used the plugin before, but we’ll try to help as much as possible. Any insights or info from the plugin developer will definitely help.

    Where can we see the issue? Please create a test page and post the details in the private field including the login info.

    Best regards,

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