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  • #895230

    Hi, I insalled the Enfold Visual Artist demo, but I have an error.
    When I open the home page, the first images set as a full screen background, they don’t display! (In this case I use apple device and I tried with different browsers)
    I also tried to open the demo from the following link:
    And I have the same bug.

    In a private content the screen.
    Waiting for an answer,
    best regards.


    Hey topmedialab,

    I can’t reproduce that, images are loading fine on my end using both desktop and mobile versions of Chrome, could you try reloading the page maybe?

    Your site is password protected so I couldn’t check, please post the password for the page as well.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard, I try reloading the page but I continue to have the bug!
    If I open the link from a mobile device (tried with Iphone 6 and Iphone 7 plus) the background images in the home of both the demo and my website are not show.
    I also tried with android, see a link in private.
    If I work from the desktop and I hold the screen very small, I always see the images! I’m confused!
    In private content the password required.

    Best regards.



    Thanks for the feedback and screenshots, I still can’t see the problem on either iphone or android on the demo page, but I can see some missing images on your own installation. Did you try to replace them with your own images? That might help to at least see if the images themselves are the problem.

    Best regards,


    I did different tests, I noticed that it is using the image of the theme that a new one uploaded by me, if I choosing the option “Scale to fit” the image is not displayed.
    While if I do another choice, such as “Stretch to fit”, the image is displayed.
    I do not know what it depends on, even if I open your demo I do not see anything now.

    Best regards.



    It’s probably related to the background attachment settings. What if you set the color sections’ background attachment from “fixed” to “scroll”?

    Related thread:

    Best regards,


    Hi, I set the background to “scroll” and the images work well.
    So for me the problem there is with the following combination of settings My Color Section -> background section: “Scale to fit” and “fixed”.
    In my case then I will use different options to make it work.

    thank you!



    Glad that you found a workaround. Yes, this is an incompatibility issue between the background attachment settings and iOS mobile devices. We’re still not sure what’s causing the issue, unfortunately.

    Best regards,


    I have another problem of viewing the image in the background on mobile devices.
    Attached as the image displayed comes: I would like the image to be centered.

    Thank you!



    Thank you for the update. Is the “Background Image Position” settings set to “center center”?

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    I have tried many roads but I can not find a solution :(
    Waiting for your answer, I searched the answer in forum and I think the problem is that parallax and even the fixed option in the background of my color does not work on mobile devices.
    Now I had to set attachment background to scroll for a good look at the image, but my result is that I use one of the 2 effects in my section!
    I’ll give you access to the administrative area and I’ll ask you to get your hands on for a solution: which for me is fine if you put parallax or fixed in desktop while for ipad or mobile devices that is still but with image centered on the background.

    I apologize for my English and I hope everything is clear to receive solution! I love the theme and your support!

    Best regards.



    The section looks good on my end.


    Have you tried this modification?


    Best regards,


    Good morning, i’ve this problem with visual artis demo,
    on safari mobile scroll but i can’t see the image, in the android version i can’t see the scroll but only fixed image.



    Hi Andrea,

    Have you tried this one?

    Did you try the solution from the previous thread?


    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Yes i tried but it doesn’t works, maybe i do something wrong, could you help me?

    This reply has been marked as private.


    What is the actual model of the android device? Or what is the screen resolution of the device?

    Best regards,



    We set the background attachment settings of every color sections to “scroll”. We also modified the script a bit because the previous syntax will only work on iOS devices.

    Best regards,


    Ok i tried but it doesn’t work
    What can i do?



    Can you let us know the Android Device that you are using please, so we can see what is no working?

    Best regards,


    I’ve the same problem with different diveces, anyway you can check with LG xPower




    Are you removing the browser cache before testing the page? Please make sure that the scripts and stylesheets are refresh. And turn off the cache and minification plugins.

    Best regards,


    Yes i tried but it doesn’t work!
    Do you think that the problem can be resolved or i’ve to change template?
    My client is little bit worried.



    The script is working on our end. It is removing the “bgfixed” class attribute if the screen width is less than 1300px. The maximum width of the LG X Power is 1280px. Please provide a screenshot of the page from the said device.

    Best regards,


    Ok i changed the header for mobile version because i can’t resolve the problem
    I had 2 another problems
    1) i did 2 portfolio grid one for mobile and one for desk because in the mobile version i would like have only 4 picture for page, i hide for the desk version but the template don’t hide the pagination number so i ve double pagination

    2) the second problem when i change page in the portfolio grid goes directly in the home page i cent understand why





    Thank you for the update. We will report the issue to our developers. Please use this css code to hide the pagination.

    @media only screen and (min-width: 990px) {
        .responsive.av-no-preview #top #wrap_all .av-desktop-hide, .responsive.av-no-preview #top #wrap_all .av-desktop-font-size-hidden, .responsive.av-no-preview #top #wrap_all .av-desktop-font-size-title-hidden, .responsive.av-no-preview #top #wrap_all .av-desktop-hide + .pagination-wrap {
            display: none;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 989px) and (min-width: 768px) {
        .responsive.av-no-preview #top #wrap_all .av-medium-hide, .responsive.av-no-preview #top #wrap_all .av-medium-font-size-hidden, .responsive.av-no-preview #top #wrap_all .av-medium-font-size-title-hidden, .responsive.av-no-preview #top #wrap_all .av-medium-hide + .pagination-wrap {
            display: none;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
        .responsive.av-no-preview #top #wrap_all .av-mini-hide, .responsive.av-no-preview #top #wrap_all .av-mini-font-size-hidden, .responsive.av-no-preview #top #wrap_all .av-mini-font-size-title-hidden, .responsive.av-no-preview #top #wrap_all .av-mini-hide + .pagination-wrap {
            display: none;

    Best regards,


    Ok thx
    but we’ve the other problem that i wrote
    If i click on the portfolio page (for example number 2) the website goes on homepage




    That is the expected behavior because the portfolio grid is inside the home page. Please disable the pagination then add a link below the portfolio grid element. Use the url of the actual portfolio page in the link.

    Best regards,


    Sorry but i don’t understand were i’ve to insert the link? The real link is



    I see. I forgot that this is a single page site. You may want to disable the pagination completely and create an actual portfolio page, separate from the home page. Again, you can create a link below the portfolio grid element that goes to the separate portfolio page.

    Best regards,

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