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  • #856717

    Hi There,

    I had an issue last year where my Enfold installation was not showing the Advanced Layout Building Icons. A Kriesi Support rep installed an “Enfold-Test” installation, and I then made an “Enfold-Test Child” theme.

    I cannot get the Enfold-Test theme to update to the newest version, but I notice it is updating the old “Enfold” theme that I am NOT using. So that may be causing the confusion. “Enfold” version is 4.2.1 and “Enfold-Test” is only 3.6.1

    I want to confirm if I delete the “Enfold” theme, that nothing should change as I am using the “Enfold-Test” and “Enfold-Test Child” theme.

    Please see screenshot here:


    Hey rosewoodva,
    That sounds to be the case, but I would recommend creating a clone/backup with and save it to your computer, then try removing the theme. If you do have a issue, you will be able to restore it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    I have followed your recommendation to create a clone/backup using Duplicator. I then removed the extra installation of enfold.

    When I check for theme updates, it still says “No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (3.6.1)”.

    I tried uploaded the newest enfold version via FTP (following this video: But it is still not updating.

    I have attached my FTP login credentials below.

    It looks like an issue with there being multiple “enfold” folders inside the “enfold-test” folder.
    I know they need to be removed, but I appreciate help in determining how and which ones to remove.



    Here is a link for the back-end. I know it’s not updated because it still shows the old interface design.


    Well it’s kind of an onion,
    enfold-test v3.6.1 with
    enfold v4.1.2 inside, with
    enfold v3.6.1 inside it.
    So knowing you have a clone, should anything go wrong, and you are using enfold-test that you want to update, delete the enfold folder inside of enfold-test, then update enfold-test by replacing the files inside the folder with the new version.
    not the new enfold folder, just the files inside it.
    Hope that makes sense.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the instructions – got it all fixed!



    Hi sorry for jumping the gun, but this has caused another issue.

    So the issue of the theme being updated has been resolved. However now I have lost all Enfold Advanced theme builder images. Please see links in private content.

    This was the original issue and why a Kriesi support tech created the enfold-test installation.

    It is even customer-facing on my home page. The scrolling arrows for sliders are missing, and the icons for icon boxes are missing.

    Please help as this is

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by rosewoodva.


    Thank you for the info. Please post the login details in the private field so that we can check the dashboard. Did you remove the duplicate of the theme folder?

    Best regards,



    Please see credentials in private content.

    Yes, I have successfully removed the “onion layers” of theme folders within the enfold-test folder. However I did just recently add a new “enfold” folder to see if it would work.

    You’ll notice that the new “enfold” theme shows the theme images (in Apprearance –> Themes).

    The “enfold-test” theme just comes up as blank (in Appearance –> Themes).

    Your help is appreciated!



    Please download the latest version (4.2) of the theme then make sure that the “config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/images” directory and the files/images inside exist.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    I keep doing that and yes all the files are in the folder. As well as the builder icons, all icons are not displaying on my homepage. This is an issue as customers can see this.

    Someone from Kriesi Support did resolve this last time by installing Enfold-Child-Test through FTP. I’m not sure what they did but I know this can be resolved.

    Please help :)


    Since your enfold-test & enfold-test-child seems to be having these issues from being installed “onion like” lets get you setup so you can update to the newest version.
    I exported your theme settings and uploaded a new child theme (enfold-child) that will work with your enfold theme, then I uploaded your theme settings to the new child theme.
    Everything seems to be working now including the builder, please check.
    If you download the new enfold v4.2 and link to it in your dropbox or google drive I will update your theme manually so it goes in the right theme. Afterward we should remove your enfold-test & enfold-test-child so you won’t have anymore issues.
    See Private Content area for your backup of your theme settings.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Thank you! Yes, the page builder is back!

    I have added the .zip file to my Dropbox (link in private content). Is this what you needed?


    Hi Mike,

    I just noticed my widgets are gone… Will these be restored? Or should I manually re-configure them?


    Please restore your widgets, there must have been an error in the processes, hope this will not be difficult.
    I updated your theme to v4.2 & all looks good please check.
    I your old enfold-child css you had a function that should have been in your functions.php, this has not been working I’m not sure if you want to use it now:

    add_filter( 'avf_modify_thumb_size', 'enfold_customization_modify_thumb_size', 10, 1 );
    function enfold_customization_modify_thumb_size( $size ) {
    $size['entry_with_sidebar'] = array('width'=>845, 'height'=>321);
    $size['portfolio'] = array('width'=>495, 'height'=>400);
    return $size;

    Would you like me to add it to your new child theme?
    I recommend removing the old enfold-test theme & child, please check your site very carefully then remove them. (If you like I will do it for you, considering all the issues you have been having)
    Afterwards please backup your site and save it to your computer, your last two backups didn’t work, just a heads up :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    It looks like everything is working! Could you please remove the old enfold-test theme & child – that would be much appreciated!

    And thank you for alerting me about the backups. I will check that after you’re done.

    Thank you so so much for your help, I truly appreciate it!



    I removed the old enfold-test theme & child. Unless you have any other questions about this issue we would like to close this ticket.
    Glad we were able to help. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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