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  • #350599

    Dear Enfold,

    I want to update my version to 3.0 because currently it is running on 2.6.1, (which doesnt show the layout editor in worpress 4.0). The problem is that automatic updating doesn’t work (nothing happens when I press update now!) and manualy updating, by just copying Enfold 3.02 folder into the ftp server and overwriting Enfold 2.6.1, made al my widgets an menu’s go weird. I am using a child theme, so they styling is almost the same but the widgets and menu’s are just out of place.

    Can you please help me how to update or make my layout editor work again!?

    Thank you very much in advanced,

    With Regards,

    Marco Janmaat


    Hey Marco!

    Can you please try re-updating the theme via FTP and make sure to overwrite all files – http://vimeo.com/67209750
    That should correct the issues if some files failed to update. If that does not, please try de-activating all active plugins and check if that helps.


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