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  • #1339995

    I have come across a strange addition when updating to the latest version of Enfold –

    Above all the Galleries has arrived a heading repeating the URL slug of the page.

    For example here is a portfolio https://colinwalton.co.uk/portfolio/duplex-pattern-design/

    Just above the gallery of 12 images an unwanted heading saying “Duplex Pattern Design” has arrived.

    The same thing has happened on all my pages where a gallery has been used.

    Here is the beginning of the script which should help identify where it is coming from…

    <div class="avia-gallery av-b2kgog-327313cb6eb1d9e643745ffea13b29f4 avia_animate_when_visible avia-builder-el-7 el_before_av_gallery avia-builder-el-first av-small-hide av-mini-hide animations_off avia-gallery-1 avia_start_animation" itemprop="image" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/ImageObject"><meta itemprop="contentURL" content="Duplex Pattern Design">Duplex Pattern Design<div class="avia-gallery-thumb">

    There really is nothing I have changed at the backend to make this happen!

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by ColinWalton. Reason: typo

    This doesn’t effect home pages as there isn’t a slug. It also doesn’t appear to effect EasySliders.

    I have tried everything I can think of using CSS to hide the unwanted heading. Such as:

    [itemprop=”contentURL”] { display: none !important; visibility: hidden !important; color: #ffffff !important; height:1px !important; font-size: 1px !important; margin-left: 5000px !important; line-height: 1px !important; width:0px !important; }

    Moving up the gallery doesn’t work either as the heading still appears over the top.

    It has effected all of my client’s websites using Enfold too.



    Sorry for the problem. Please refer to this thread: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/gallery-and-page-title-bug/. If you need help implementing the fix, then please include admin WordPress and FTP login details in private.

    Best regards,


    Perfect thanks



    Great, I’m glad that we could help, and sorry again for the problem. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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