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  • #1428758

    Hi, we recently updated from an older version of Enfold by purchasing a new license on November 25, 2023. Since the release of v.5.6.9, it has not appeared in our Enfold panel, even when manually checking for the update, the message says: No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (5.6.8)
    I use Enfold on 2 other sites and there was no issue updating from 5.6.8 to 5.6.9. Would you know why and how to set it so the updates appear automatically or via notice from Themeforest? Thank you.
    Best regards


    Hey sharynt3,

    Did you register your theme license? If not, then please follow this:

    If the updates should not come through via the backend, then please try using this plugin instead:

    Best regards,


    Thanks Rikard, yes, we registered the theme license and I just followed the steps again to create a new Evento private token (which said it was validated).
    Is there any other way than to install another plugin? Just wondering why the updates work on other sites but no this one…thanks for your help.


    When I check your site it says: Updates: enabled – token has changed and not verified, so this points to it waiting for Envato and not a theme issue. You may need to wait for your site to get the check from Envato, but note that Envato limits the daily checks so you may need to wait at least 24 hours, also note that the limit applies to all tokens on your account, so if you have multiple tokens your sites will update a few at a time.
    Envato may be also receiving a lot of update requests across the board. You could try the plugin, I don’t know if the same limits apply to the plugin, or you could manually update if you need to right away:
    To update manually you will need to download the latest installable WP version from your Theme Forest account and upload it to your WordPress ▸ Appearance ▸ Themes ▸ Add Themes ▸ Add New
    after you choose the zip file and click install, you will see a This theme is already installed message because you are updating, you can continue
    then you will see the Theme updated successfully message.

    Best regards,


    Hi again, I installed the Envato plugin and deleted the previous tokens, as well as where it was initially under Enfold, so that it was only on the newly installed plugin. It is showing an error message:

    Incorrect token permissions, please generate another token or fix the permissions on the existing token.

    Please ensure only the following permissions are enabled:

    1. View and search Envato sites
    2. Download your purchased items
    3. List purchases you’ve made

    Please advise, thank you.


    Thanks Mike, I see you replied at the same time. I will wait the 24 hours for the new API to be verified. The option you provided will be to update the site manually but it doesn’t give us the option for automatic updates which is what we are trying to resolve. Do you need access to the website? Please advise, thanks.


    It says:

    Please ensure only the following permissions are enabled:

    1. View and search Envato sites
    2. Download your purchased items
    3. List purchases you’ve made

    Please try this.

    Best regards,


    Hi, yes, all those are selected and have since created a new token and deleted all previous ones. When activated under the Enfold tab, it is validated. The error is showing in the Envato plugin. Thanks.


    The Envato plugin says:

    Please ensure only the following permissions are enabled:

    1. View and search Envato sites
    2. Download your purchased items
    3. List purchases you’ve made

    so please try this.

    Best regards,


    Hi again, I unchecked the other boxes and left only those again and it worked. So, for future updates, it will be using the plugin to notify there is an Enfold update therefore the plugin should remain? Thank you.


    Glad this worked for you, and it should work for future updates. Unless there is anything else we can assist with on this issue, shall we close this thread then?

    Best regards,


    So just to clarify, it will only work using the Envato plugin and these settings for future updates? I will be transferring the site back to the client and will need to advise. Please let me know, thank you.


    Correct for those token settings you will need to use the Envato plugin.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Mike for your help, happy holidays!


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold. Merry Christmas

    Best regards,

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