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  • #903396

    Ich brauche mal Euren Praxisrat beim Umgang mit Fotos in Enfold. Wahrscheinlich habe ich hier einen Denkfehler.

    Ich möchte gern die Slide-Show (volle Breite nutzen). Ich klicke auf “Bild hinzufügen” und lade ein schönes hochauflösendes Foto rein. Hochauflösend, weil -so mein Gedanke-, Enfold die Bilder ja eh in verschiedenen Größen herunter rechnet. Ich wähle das Foto aus, und wähle im Slider als Image-Size “Featured 1500×430” und aktiviere “Bild strecken”.

    In der Webansicht (Desktop) sehe ich, dass das Bild Foto-1500×430.jpg geladen und in dem Fall auf 1903x546px hochskaliert wird.
    Sehe ich mir die Seite nun auf einem Mobilgerät an, wird die selbe Datei Foto-1500×430.jpg geladen und auf 375px × 158px runterskaliert.
    Kein Wunder, dass mir sämtliche Pagespeed-Tools anmeckern, ich solle mal die Dateigrößen von zig Fotos für die Mobilansicht minimieren.

    Wie bekomme ich das hin, dass auf dem Mobilgerät eine kleinere Datei geladen wird, z.B. die Datei Foto-450×321.jpg oder Foto-300×214.jpg?

    Danke vorweg!

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by netgo2017.

    Hey netgo2017,

    Can you please post in English, so we can be able to help you faster?

    Best regards,


    Of course. I need your help about pictures in Enfold.

    I want to use the slide show (full with). I click on “ad picture” and upload a high resolution picture. High resolution, because enfold creates new files in different resolutions. Now I choose a picture for the slider and choose the image size Featured 1500×430 and activate “stretch image”.

    Let’s see what happens in the frontend: In my case, the picture-1500×430.jpg is loaded and scaled to 1903x546px. I take a look at the mobile screen in the frontend: my picture-1500×430.jpg is loaded and scaled to 375×158 px.

    What can I do, to load smaller pictures on smaller screens? For example 1500×430 for large screen, 450×321 or 300×214 on small screens?

    Thanks a lot



    What can I do, to load smaller pictures on smaller screens? For example 1500×430 for large screen, 450×321 or 300×214 on small screens?

    You can add another slider with smaller version of the original images. Use the sliders’ Screen Options to toggle their visibility on different screen sizes or devices. Basically, you’ll have two versions of the slider, one for desktop and another for mobile view.

    Best regards,


    That’s not possible. The image Slider offers me following versions:
    – Large (1030×1030)
    – Featured (1500×430)
    – Featured Large (1500×630)
    – Extra Large (1500×1500)
    – Entry Without Sidebar (1200×423)

    Every Version is too large for mobile devices.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by netgo2017.

    Hi netgo2017,

    Have you tried setting any of these sizes but using small images?

    Best regards,


    I have the same problem @netgo2017:

    The full width slideshow seems not to offer “screen options” @Ismael

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    and there are only those image size options:

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    Hi Chris,

    The Fullscreen Slider has options for hiding it on different screen widths, if you are not seeing that then you are probably not running the latest version (4.2.3) of the theme?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard.
    The Fullscreen slider has the the option for hiding on different screen withs. The problem is, I do not have the possibility to use smaller image sizes.
    I don’t want to upload a smaller second version of my picture, because wordpress already has smaller versions. I think the best way would be, if I can check more image-sizes here:

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by netgo2017.


    Yes, only thumbnails that are more than 1000px in width or height are included in the selection. You can adjust the exlusion value in the config-templabuilder > aviashortcodes > slideshow_fullscreen.php file, line 637:

    "subtype" =>  AviaHelper::get_registered_image_sizes(1000)

    Set the value from 1000 to 500 or less.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael!
    I copied the slideshow_fullscreen.php file in my child-theme and changed the code. But I already have the same choices. Even if I changed the code in my parent theme.



    Have you tried using a smaller value? Please provide the login details in the private field so that we can check it.

    Best regards,


    Here there are



    Thank you for the update. We modified the file in the parent theme. The new image thumbnail options are available now. If you want to do this modification in a child theme, you have to use the “avia_load_shortcodes” filter.


    Best regards,

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