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  • #1264303

    I have today manually updated a site via FTP the theme to

    Enfold Child > Theme Update however is still showing:
    “Theme Updates
    No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (”

    I have done a ‘Check Manually’ and nothing changes. I revalidated the Envato token, another manual check, again no difference.

    I have checked the code on the server, looking at tabs.php, because I see that has been modified in (“fixed: replaced avia_sc_toggle::counter in config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\tabs\tabs.php with avia_sc_tab::$counter”). I can see that this program is substantially shorter in code lines now (384) than the version (592), seeming to confirm the code running now is

    [Slight aside: you might want to report to the devs that line 552 in the new tabs.php is this: $tab_atts['title'] = avia_sc_toggle::$counter. Not sure if that should have been changed?]

    Another site on has no notification (red circle) in the left menu sidebar to indicate a new version is available.

    Two other sites on have the notification circle visible but the message is:
    “Update Available!
    A new Version ( of your Parent Theme (Enfold) is available! You are using Version
    See what’s new in change log. Do you want to update?”

    WordPress Updates > Themes for these two sites says:
    You have version installed. Update to”

    All sites are on WordPress 5.5.3

    This is not affecting the running of the sites, but something does not appear to be right…

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by zimbo.

    Hey zimbo, is the latest version of the theme, I’m not sure where you found You can verify which version is the current one by downloading the theme files from Themeforest, and checking the version in style.css.

    Best regards,


    I received emails on 26/11/20 from Envato Market advising there was a new version of Enfold available to download.

    There are 2 posts from mod Ismael telling users to “update/upgrade to” –, (and a user claiming to have just updated to –

    I saw that the Changelog had not been updated to, but sometimes that doesn’t happen immediately and just assumed there was in fact a new version. Obviously not, but I shall await it with bated breath…



    Thanks for the update. I checked the customer site which you referred to, and it’s running, so I’m guessing that it was a typo from the user. I would chalk down Ismaels replies to typos as well, as we haven’t released yet.

    The email from Envato was a mistake as far as I know, it was due to a marketing campaign from them as I understood it.

    Best regards,

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