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  • #601451

    I now have four installed and purchased Enfold websites. All are working perfectly and all are registered with my Themeforest User Name and API Key. All have child themes.

    I get a notification from Themeforest that Enfold 3.5 is available. I check the dashboard on all four sites – all with version 3.4.1. They tell me no update is available and I am running latest version. I clear all transients and re-check. Still no update available.

    Why is this not working? I know I can update with FTP, but it is so much easier doing it the proper way.


    I finally got to the bottom of this. It seems that Themeforest generates a new API key with every purchase of Enfold, so immediately when I purchase a new Enfold theme for a new client, the API key changes. Therefore all my existing accounts stop checking for updates properly.

    Very, very frustrating. I corrected it by updating all installations to the latest API Key.



    Glad to hear you solved the issue!

    Sorry for the inconvenience and I understand that it can be frustrating. Might be something that could be suggested to Themeforest.


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