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  • #200386

    After I updated to wordpress 3.8, sort on portfolio both on grid and masonry doesn’t work. Please check below:
    Here is the test website: http://azaraliyev.com/test/portfolio/
    This one is from one of you moderator’s website as well: http://devinvinson.com/portfolio/

    So problem is not with my wordpress installation but Enfold theme’s adaptation to new wordpres. Hope it will be solved soon.


    Hi azaraliyev!

    Please try Peter’s fix here https://kriesi.at/support/topic/enfold-portfolio-not-working-after-wordpress-3-8-update/


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    Thanks for the fix.
    I also wanna change the style of sort. I dont wanna put “/” between categories. But probably put”*” or “|”.
    Is there also a way of adding button styles to sort?




    Please go to wp-content\themes\enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes folder and open portfolio.php file and find

    "<span class='text-sep ".$category->category_nicename."_sort_sep'>/</span>";

    and change /

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    Hi @Remco12,

    Make sure you are following the steps from this topic for the sorting fix with version 2.4.2 and WP 3.8: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/enfold-portfolio-not-working-after-wordpress-3-8-update/#post-199805



    Tried it multiple times but result is the same, i only get to see “all” and can not select any category.

    Site needs to go live this week so a fix would be nice. I had to let go of the portfolio prev/next as well due the taxonomy failure in WP.
    If i need to let this ‘feature out it’s no good.

    So please help me out im not a 100% coder and pretty new with wordpress.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Remco12.
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    Can you post the link to your website?


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    It seems like theme was not updated and you are still using Enfold version 2.4.2. Please login on ThemeForest with the account you have purchased Enfold and go to Downloads to download the latest version and update the theme via FTP
    For a quick guide on updating your theme take a look at this video on updating the Enfold theme via FTP: https://vimeo.com/channels/aviathemes/67209750


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    I would recommend you to update all files if you have not made any changes on them. There are some bug fixes and improvements added to the latest version.



    Okay made some small changes in colors en portfolio view but on other Mac so need to do it tomorrow.

    Quickly checked new theme and it Works okay.
    Now i only need to find my changes again but like said made them on other Mac so tomorrow i’ll fix it.

    Great Thanks again!!



    Glad it is working for you too now! I am marking this thread as resolved. Let us know if you have any other questions or issues

    Best regards,

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