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  • #689223

    After updating to the latest version of Enfold, in the Theme Options menu there are strange characters are displayed. I am attaching a screenshot.
    The same happens in Safari browser also.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by indurango.

    Hi indurango!

    Please try re-updating the theme via FTP and overwrite all files –
    It seems like files are not overwritten correctly. Design of Enfold theme options is updated in Enfold 3.8 but in your screenshot those changes are not affective. Re-updating the theme should help :)

    Best regards,


    Selam Yigit

    Theme Update sayfasinda FTP icin install yeri gorunmuyor ama.
    Update edilmis oldugu icin nereden yukeyecegim Enfold Theme Zip dosyasini onu bulamadim..
    Yardimci olabilir misin?



    ThemeForest’e Enfold lisansi satin aldiginiz hesabi kullanarak giris yapip downloads bolumune gidip ordan yuklenebilir versiyonu indirip sonrasinda FTP uzerinden update edebilirsiniz :)



    Tesekkur ederim ..
    ya bir sorunum daha var sabahtan beri halledemedim

    quick css bolumune yaptigim degisiklikler bir turlu yansimuyor sayfaya
    bakman mumku mu ?

    H1 H2 ve p taglerine ozel css yazmak istiyorum quick css bolumunde..
    ama ne yaparsam yapayim degismiyor.


    Rica ederim!

    Gecici bir admin logini olusturup gizli bolumden gonderebilir misin goz atayim? :)



    Selam Yigit. Hay Allah razi olsun senden.
    Ya hersey dogru idi aslinda o quick css de bir seyi degistirdim tum baslik ve body text font bicimlendirmelerim degisti. hatta menudeki font bicimlendirmelerim de yok oldu ve bir turlu degistiremiyorum.

    admin hesabi actim

    cok sagolasin ya sabahtan beri ugrasiyorum inan bana. teknik olmayinca yas da ilerleyince iyice almiyor kafamiz.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by indurango.


    Sizle alakali bir sorun yok ya. CSS’de hata olunca genelde ondan kaynaklaniyor ama girmis oldugun CSS’te sorun yok. Sitenin genisligide Enfold theme options > General Layout > Dimensions’da belirlediginizden kucuk. Butun eklentileri deaktif edebilir miyiz test amacli?



    Tüm eklentileri deaktif ettim.
    Site genişliği konusuna sorun nereden kaynaklanıyır olabilir?
    Yani benim Enfold theme options > General Layout > Dimensions ta belirlediğim genişliği alması gerekmez mi ?


    Merhaba Yiğit,

    Eklentileri deaktif durumda bıraktım ancak site üzerinde çalışmaya devam edeceğim bir sorun olmaz herhalde değil mi ?
    Bir de demişsin ki ”senden kaynaklanan bir hata değil. CSS’de hata olunca genelde ondan kaynaklanıyor ”
    ‘ondan kaynaklanıyor’ dediğin nedir acaba ?



    CSS’de hata olunca genel CSS’i bozuyor o zamanda theme optionstan girilen site genisligi vs etkili olmuyor.
    FTP loginlerinide gonderebilir misiniz gizli bolumden dosyalarada goz atsak?

    Best regards,


    Selam Yiğit

    Aşağıda gönderiyorum.

    Teşekkür ederim.


    Merhaba Yiğit

    Herhangi bir ceap alamadım senden. Pluginler halen deaktif olarak duruyor.
    Ancak cevap alabilirsem sevinirim cunku site üzerinde calısamıyorum şu anda.



    Hello Yigit,

    I was wondering if you received my replies or not. Have not heard from you since 3 days.
    I would be happy if you take a look at my replies.




    Uzgunum konuyu kendime atadim saniyordum ama gorunuse gore yapamamisim. Siteniz uzerinde calisiyorum su an. Gelisme oldukca guncelleyecegim bu gonderiyi

    Edit: Her hangi bir sikinti bulamiyorum. Bu sorun olusmadan once yaptiginiz en son degisiklik neydi?

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Yigit.

    Selam Yiğit,

    Bu problem oluşmadan önce Quick Css alanında bir değişiklik yaptım. Daha doğrusu heading ve body fontlarını değiştirmek istedim ama söylediğim gibi istediğim değişiklikler taracıya yansımamaya başladı.

    Bir anda menü, bıdy text ve headinglerimin formatları bozuldu. Ancak şunu farkettim Chrome da yansımayan değişiklik Safari de yansıyor.

    Benim aklımı karıştıran, (uzun zaman önce değişiklikler yaptıgım için ve de tam teknik bilgim olmadıgı için) sayfalardaki body text, special headingler , h1 h2 vs heading taglerinin font biçimlerinin ne oldugunu chrome da INSPECT diyerek bulmaya calısıyorum ama inherit oldugu için css i tam anlayamıyorum.

    !import özelliği kullanmaya calısıyorum Quşck CSS alanındaki benim yaptığım değişklikleri base.css in falan üerine yazsın ama pek işe yaramıyor chrome da gibi.
    Cache i temizledim bir kaç defa olmadı. Chrome Developer’da Network sekmesinden DISABLE CACHE seceneğini işaretleyip denedim yine etkisi olmuyor. Bir türlü yansıtamıyorum font biçimlendirmelerimi.
    Nasıl halledeceğiz anlamadım ben de ama kafayı yiycem yani..



    Bende acikcasi nedenini bulamadim. Takim arkadaslarimla iletisime gectim birde onlarin goz atmasini rica edicem. Gelismelerden haberdar edicez

    Best regards,


    Tamamdır bekliyorum Yiğit.
    Umarım sıkıntıyı bulurlar ya çok aksattı beni bu sorun.

    İyi akşamlar



    We installed a child theme and imported the parent theme settings. The changes made to the theme options are working fine on my end. please review your site and let us know if you have any questions.



    Hi Vinay,

    I am sorry but I did not get what you mean.
    I checked my website and the problem still continue. The changes I make to QUICK CSS section do not take effect on the site.




    The quick CSS worked for me after the theme options were re-set. However after saving any settings it stops working.

    Is this a test site? It appears a plugin conflict may have corrupted some files. Do we have your permission to re-install a fresh copy of the theme ? First we will install it with all the old plugins intact if the issue persist you may have to get rid of all the plugins and re-install them.

    However at the moment the child theme styles appear to be working fine and you can use it as a alternative to Quick CSS. Quick CSS allows you to add tiny bit of quick fix where as you can add more styles in Appearance > Editor > styles.css

    I have added the below code for testing purpose and assure you that it works fine.

    /* Testimonial background */
    .avia-testimonial-content  {

    The rest of the theme options except Quick CSS appear to be working fine. When ever you decide to go ahead with the theme re-install we can help you with it. Please upload a latest copy of the enfold theme to wp-content/themes/enfold-latest folder and we will take it from there.

    Best Regards,


    Hello Vinay,

    Thank you for the detailed answer.

    My answer is ;

    Do you recommend me using a child theme ?
    At the moment you have created the child theme for me, thanks for that. But do all the THEME OPTIONS from main theme are active for the child theme at the moment? It seems so but I just want to be sure about it.


    Hello Vinay,

    I realized that with Child Theme, my header and footer has changed. I think I have to re-setup the Theme Options settings. Am I right?
    Can you tell me if there are other things I have to re-check because you installed Child Theme ?



    You are most welcome Sir, we recommend using a child theme for everyone who like to customise the theme. This way the customisation will be separated from the main theme and the custom updates remain intact even the theme is updated.

    Child theme features are exactly same as the main theme features in fact all the functions and features are borrowed from the main theme unless you have added custom code or modified a php file in the child theme, which will be executed instead of the main theme function or file. When the child theme is removed the default main theme works just fine but make sure all the custom code added to the child theme is transferred to the main theme (this method is not recommended as the theme get’s updated the files will be over written and you may lose the custom modifications).

    I have imported settings from main theme to child theme so the same should reflect in the child theme. If you have set the header and footer settings correctly I think you should be good.

    Let us know if you have any questions or if we can help you with any issue on the site :)

    Best regards,


    Thank you Vinay,

    So let me experience this Child Theme bit. Yesterday I completed the Theme Settings again for the child theme.
    And added necessary css codes to style.css

    If my experience go bad I can let you know.
    But one more question; If some cdes are corrupted (as you said for Quick CSS), do you think there can be other files/codes are corrupted too which we didnt realize now?



    Merhabalar Enis!

    There should not be any issues from now on. If there happens to be any, please feel free to let us know!
    Glad Vinay could help :)

    Best regards,


    Hello Yiğit,

    Thank you. Seems like there is no issue since using child theme and playing with style.css
    One more thing which you also realized and told me before. I couldnt fix it yet.
    The page width seems different in Chrome and Safari.
    I am talking about the main content area..
    In Chrome it looks more narrow then Safari.

    How can I check which causes this problem and if there is possible fix for that. I like the Safari look more and want to have the same width in Chrome as well.

    Thank you.


    Hey Enis!

    I have added following code to bottom of Style.css file of your child theme

    .container {
        max-width: 1440px;

    Please review your website now

    Best regards,


    Hi again ,

    When I check the code in Chrome I see that the css computed is

    .container {
    max-width: 1010px;

    But in Safari I see it as;

    .responsive .container {
    max-width: 1440px;

    For a temporary solution I changed style.css as :

    .container {
    max-width: 1440px;

    But I do not think this is a professional and correct fix…
    What do you sugges?

    Thank you.



    Your solution is the same as @Yigit’s and there’s nothing wrong with it. Is it working? If it is working then you should keep the code.

    Best regards,

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