the Enfold Theme seems to be colliding with the FormCraft3 Plugin I’m using for my new project… The theme imposing their own CSS over the form elements (Sreenshot Chrome). The CSS is messed up badly in Firefox as well (Screenshot_Firefox). I contacted the FormCraft support first but they told me that it is a theme related issue, I also tried commenting out the form section in the base.css file but it didn’t work out. I’d love to get any help for my problem.
Website: http://www.saj-escort.com
Screenshot Formcraft (how it should look): http://prnt.sc/b49uco
Screenshot Chrome: http://prnt.sc/b49umn
Screenshot Firefox (field all white/CSS messed up): http://prnt.sc/b49ura
Damian R.
Hey Damian,
Best regards,