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  • #27241

    I’m attempting to download the Enfold Theme I bought a few days ago and I keep getting this message”

    “Are you sure you want to do this?

    Please try again.”

    I’ve installed many themes before, so I have the process down. Thank you for any suggestions you have.


    Hi toonartist33,

    Try installing the theme via ftp following this video: https://vimeo.com/channels/aviathemes/64927356

    There could be a timeout issue on your server because of the size of the theme or something like that but installing via FTP will always get the files up there correctly.

    You may also want to take this time to check that your wordpress installation has at least 96mb of php memory. You can increase it following one of the options here: http://www.dailyblogging.org/wordpress/increase-wordpress-memory-limit/





    Thank you! I’ll give this a shot and let you know how it goes.


    That should work for you but let us know if you have any other issues :)



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