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  • #967541

    Enfold Theme – Blog Menu item does not appear to be pulling blog page correctly.
    Our blog page has 3 categories selected however all categories appear to be showing on the blog layout page.
    It is also missing the blog header area. Can you please take look. I’ve triple checked and had a colleague look as well incase this was a user error on my end and we can’t figure out what is causing the page to display incorrectly.


    Hey LesleyJean,
    Sorry for the late reply, I found that creating a test page “blog test” creates a blog element that works correctly, so I wanted to Enable the Avia Layout Builder Debug but your functions.php is not allowing changes. Please edit the functions.php via FTP to add the debugging code so we can continue we our tests. If you don’t feel comfortable doing this, please include ftp access, in the Private Content area, for us to make the changes for you.
    Please note that I had deactivated your plugins for a few minutes for testing, so you may need to reconnect your JetPack plugin to your JetPack account.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Now “I” get to apologize for MY delayed response :). I went ahead and added the code to the functions.php file. Please take a look to see if that helped. If not I’ll get the FTP info and send in a PM.


    looks like it didnt save… see PM for ftp access


    Thank you for the ftp login, but please include the ftp url also, I tried your domain but it didn’t work for me

    Best regards,


    See PM. Looks like for godaddy you need the IP. I just tested it and i was able to connect. Thank you


    It looks like this ftp login goes to a user ftp directory on your webhost, and not your site directory.
    Please check the directory this account has access to, it should be “/”
    Please read about setting up a ftp user for Godaddy here.

    Best regards,


    Sorry about about. Here you go Mike. See PM


    Thank you for the login, I got your blog page working, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Mike! It looks great. Was there anything unique you had to do to get this to work?
    Would you be able to tell me what steps you took to fix this? I see the need for this on several other sites and we use Enfold for all our client sites.


    I assigned the “blog test” page to your “Enfold Theme Options > And where do you want to display the Blog?” option.
    For some reason leaving it blank or choosing the “blog” page caused the theme to create a default blog page instead of using the one you created. Assigning the “blog test” page should not cause any issues because your actual blog page is linked in the main menu.
    I can’t reproduce this on my localhost and I didn’t see any scripts or plugins on your site that might cause this, but if I understand you correctly you are having this issue on other sites?

    Best regards,

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